Usage Instructions 1.10.0-01 (2024)

Before Using

1.Make sure the MODhave been loaded correctly, otherwise there may be no damage; If the
installment still bothers you, go check out on Youtube for MOD using guidance; As
well as how to use this MOD with Co-Op MOD;
2.It happens sometimein the game version 1.09.01 that the first time loading the MOD may invoke an
warning from the main menu saying “Savedata Corruption”, here’ s thesolution that may help: use STEAM to start the game once and after that, use
the modengine to start again; Anyway, HAVE YOUR SAVE BACKUPED INCASE;
3.Use the Availableweapon, recommended ones particularly, for other weapons have part of motions
unfit in this MOD, which means they can still be used but not the motions
listed below;
4.In the formerversions, enchantment sorcery or incantation like Frozen Armament or Bloodflame
Blade would be erased during the modded attacks, which have been fixed now
thanks to my friend MURAUE;
5.The model Hunter’spistol in the Curved Greatsword is made by Bilibili:_月见樱_(433324220) alsoKnown as noelle212 in NexusMODs, Thanks to whom the gun motions came into
reality; One thing to be emphasized is that the motions in this MOD can be
imported into your own MOD as you wish, but not this pistol, for it is not made
by myself;
6.The Talisman ----- Carian FiligreedCrest has been changes into a multi-functional one:
1)Defense increasedfor 70%;
2)Attack decreased for70%;
3)Weight capacityincreased for 100%;
4)Bow distanceincreased for 100%;
5)Aux resist;
6)Falling damageignored (yet falling from far too high still take the life);
7)Skill and Sorcery FPConsumption decreased to 25%;
8)Capable ofpreventing skeletons from reviving;
9)Critical damageincreased 100%;
These are changed based on my one habits, tofocus on combat itself, if you don’t like it then just don’t use this talisman;

7.The attack typeswere edited without the thoughts of make sure how could the damage be
augmented; therefore, I could not tell you how to increased your attack through
talismans, this is my fault;
8.These Ash of Warmodified can be used on the corresponding weapon listed along, that means the
motion and damage can still affect on the light and Hs of weapon itself, any
other AoW not modded in this MOD make difference as well; But if the AoW were
installed on the wrong weapon, like Prelate's Charge with hammer, the Prelate’
s Charge would make no damage at all;
9.Many weapon’ sstances have been changed from two-hand to one-hand, which will cause awkward
guarding posture;
10.Twinblade isrecommended for a female character; However, if you want to use these two
weapons as male character, check out the “Installment Instruction” part down
11.Straight sword,Katana, Curved Greatsword, Spear and Twinblade’ s special motion have been
changed into the normal ones in order to have the modded motion appliable;
12.Weight loadinfluences the dodge motion, basically all the motions refered in this
instruction can be interrupted by dodge, apart from the colossal motions and
all the motions in sky;


Available for game version 1.10 only!!!
Have your savedata and"regulation.bin" files prepared!!!
Make sure you understand thoroughly beforeinstallment!!!

Installment methods:
1.Have Modengine2prepared;
2.Drag the"\chr", "\sfx","\parts", "\action"
folder into the "\mod" folder;
3.Drag the"regulation.bin" to into the "\mod" folder.
If a male characteris what you are playing as and don’t want to use female character with the
Twinblade which are more suitable for a female figure, meanwhile you are capable
of Yapped using, here’ s the way to change your character stance from female
into male as you wish:
Male stance:EquipParamWeapon – Weapon Motion Position – one-hand/two-hand :3/3
Female stance:EquipParamWeapon – Weapon Motion Position – one-hand/two-hand :10/10

Update Log

lCarian Combo Warriors 1010
1.Available on gameVersion1.10
1)Lots of new motionsto be introduced in the combo instructions part;
1)Lots of new motionsto be introduced in the combo instructions part;
1)Male and Femalestance modified;
2)GS recovered to theoriginal version;
3)H after Backstepinto C1 or F1;

lCarian Combo Warriors 0429
2)Lots of new motionsto be introduced in the combo instructions part;
3)Some dodge frameremoved;
1)Sequence of motionsrearranged;
2)Intro windows ofInferno brought forward;
4)Male stance modified;
5)Straight sword,Curved GS, Katana and spear walk, dash and jump motion modified;
6)Hammer impactrecovered.

lCarian Combo Warriors 0211
1)Dodge, Walk, Run,Dash into Heavy attack Sequence A (if in one-hand) or Heavy attack Sequence D (if
in two-hand);
2)Backstep into Heavyattack Sequence C (if in one-hand) or Heavy attack Sequence F (if in two-hand);
3)Male run motionchanged (Weapon Motion Position – one-hand/two-hand :3/13);
4)Fist stance, Walk,Run and Dash motion changed (Weapon Motion Position – one-hand/two-hand :0/0);
1)Dash Light into one-hand,Heavy attack Sequence B, Dash Heavy into two-hand, Heavy attack Sequence E;
2)Heavy attackSequence A changed into the same with Heavy attack Sequence D;
3)B1 Charge changedinto chasing sword pitch;
4)C1 Charge changedinto Straight shoot;
5)Jump light changedinto Split, into one-hand, Jump Heavy changed into shoot, into two-hand;
1)Dash Light into one-hand,Heavy attack Sequence B, Dash Heavy into two-hand, Heavy attack Sequence E;
2)Stamp (Upward Cut)able to parry attack;
11.Curved Greatsword:
1)New F2 Chargedmotion added, the same as Dash light;
2)Board Fly able toharm now;
1)Dash Heavy changedinto Charge Sting;
2)AoW motion capableto be introduced in any motion land;
3)B1 Charge and B1without Charge exchanged;
4)C1 Charge into B1allowed earlier;
5)Jump Light and Heavyunified in one-hand and two-hand now, Jump light accelerated and able to land
6)Unshealth intoUnshealth Light and Heavy allowed earlier;
7)Parts of the motioncapable of 10% Fp decreasing, the Fp recovery in Unshealth start changed into
Out of AoW, for faster entry into Judgement Cut End and SHOWDOWN 1st;
8)Blow back in B2Charge and E2 Charge strengthened;
1)Dash Light into one-hand,Heavy attack Sequence B, Dash Heavy into two-hand, Heavy attack Sequence E;
1)Dash Light into one-hand,Heavy attack Sequence B, Dash Heavy into two-hand, Heavy attack Sequence E;
2)A1 and A2 changedinto Right/Left hook cabable of dodging harm;
3)Light attack in one-handchanged;
4)Slowdown in thestart stage of Charged H erased;
5)B1 Charge in two-hand,Heavy attack Sequence E2;
6)C2 changed into Jumpsmash, into B1;
7)D2 Charge changedinto Four slash, into one-hand C1;
1)Defense increasedfor 70%, Attack decreased for 70%;
2)Capable of preventingskeletons from reviving;
3)Critical damageincreased 100%;

lCarian Combo Warriors 0123
1.New Modded weaponcategory: Curved Greatsword, Colossal, Twinblade;
2.Greatsword: “H” means Charged H
1)HE1 moved to one-hand-Guardcounter;
2)HC1 changed intoGravity bomb;
3)HE1 and HE2 changedinto Slash blade;
3.Fist: HD1-Inferno moved to two-hand-Guard counter,ignited from the time when the left punch shimmering during the HD1’s recovery

Combo Instructions
lStraight Sword + Ash of War: Quickstep

Available Weapon:
Longsword, Lordsworn's Straight Sword,Weathered Straight Sword, Golden Epitaph, Coded Sword, Sword of Night and
Flame, Crystal Sword, Sword of St; Trina, Regalia of Eochaid, Noble's Slender
Sword, Rotten Crystal Sword
Wield with one-hand:
Light Attack: B1 with H during the recoveryframe; A1 with H when the recovery frame ends.
Dash Light: the Heavy attack Sequence A1
Dash Heavy: Guiding double sword upward slash, theHeavy attack Sequence B1
Dodge Light: Guiding double sword horizontalslash, the Heavy attack Sequence B1
Backstep Light:
Deep Stinger, dodge interrupt available,stamina consumed out with last slash.
Heavy attack Sequence A:
A1: Triple Slash, dodge interrupt available,EnterA2 with H.
A2 charge: Million Stab, dodge interruptavailable, H interrupt ahead available into F1, B1 with H during the recovery
A2 without charge: Carian pierce, H interruptahead available into F1, B1 with H during the recovery frame.
Heavy attack Sequence B:
B1 charge: Guiding shuttle double slash, dodge interruptavailable, B2 with H.
B1 without Charge: Guiding double slash, into two-hand,dodge interrupt available, E2 with H.
B2 charge: Backstep arrow loose, dodgeinterrupt available, H interrupt ahead available into F1, C1 with H during the recovery
B2 without charge: vertical sword edge, dodgeinterrupt available, C1 with H.
Heavy attack Sequence C:
C1: Cross sword edge, dodge interruptavailable, C1 with H.
C2 Charge: Horizontal stay sword edge, dodge interruptavailable, H interrupt ahead available into F1, A1 with H during the recovery
C2 without Charge: Horizontal stay sword edge,dodge interrupt available, c
Jump Light: Cross Double Slash
Jump Heavy: Downward Double slash
Wield with two-hand:
Light Attack: Chasing Slash, light attackneeded to keep on attack, dodge interrupt available, E1 with H; Into one-hand
during the recovery frame.
Dash Light: Into one-hand, the Heavy attackSequence A1
Dash Heavy: Guiding double sword upward slash,into one-hand, the Heavy attack Sequence B1
Dodge Light: Guiding double sword horizontalslash, intoone-hand, the Heavy attack Sequence B1
Backstep Light:
Deep Stinger, into one-hand, dodge interrupt available,Fp and stamina consumed out with last slash.
Heavy attack Sequence D:
D1: Stinger, dodge interrupt available, D2with H,into one-hand during recovery frame.
D2 charge: Backstep arrow loose, dodgeinterrupt available, H interrupt ahead available into F1, C1 with H during the recovery
frame; into one-hand during recovery frame.
D2 without charge: vertical sword edge, dodgeinterrupt available, C1 with H, into one-hand during recovery frame.
Heavy attack Sequence E:
E1: Guiding Rotary Slash, into one-hand, A2with H
E2: Backward jump with magic glint blades released,F1 with H, into one-hand during recovery frame.
Heavy attack Sequence F:
F1: Rotary Carian Great sword, defense intensified,won’ t be interrupted even get hit, F1 with H, into one-hand during recovery
F2: Double Roatry Great sword, defense intensified,won’ t be interrupted even get hit, D1 with H, into one-hand during recovery
Jump Light: Cross Double Slash
Jump Heavy: Downward Double slash
Ash of War: Quickstep:
AoW without lock: Parry
AoW + forward direction with lock: Parry
AoW + left direction with lock: Loretta’ srain, dodge interrupt available, H interrupt ahead available into F1, A1 with H
after the recovery frame; into one-hand during recovery frame.
AoW + right direction with lock: Eochaid'sDancing Blade with Carian color, into one-hand, when the Carian emblem appears
during the recovery frame, B1 with H; when the emblem disappears, A1 with H.
AoW + backward direction with lock: GrandeurCaria, intoone-hand, defense intensified, won’ t be interrupted even get hit, Fp
and stamina consumed out with last slash.

lKatana + Ash of War: Unsheathe:

Available Weapon:
All Katana;
Main Trait:
JC: When the Carian Emblem appears during the recoveryframe of any motion at land, [Judgement Cut] with Heavy[H]; [Combo C] with
Light[L], this special time would be marked as JC; part of attacks would
different action with L at JC, and would be marked in the list below.
HG: When the Carian Emblem appears during the recoveryframe of any in air, [Hell’ s gate] with H; this special time would be marked
as HG;
All attack can be canceled at any time by Dodgeor AoW apart from the time in sky;
Parts of the motion capable of 10% Fpdecreasing, the Fp recovery in Unshealth start changed into Out of AoW, for
faster entry into Judgement Cut End and Octoslash;
Wield with one-hand:
Light Attack: Nine slashes, B1 with H, JC;
Dash-Light: [Senppuukiri], C1 with H, JC;
Dash-Heavy: [Jump Sting], B1 with H, JC;
Dodge-Light: [Sabimaru], [Senppuukiri] with L,B1 with H, JC;
Backstep Light: [LETS GET TO IT], Fp consumedout, and recovers for 40% with Light strike; [Rapid-slash] with L, F1 with H, JC;

Heavy attack Sequence A:
A1: [Parry]; A2 with H, JC;
A2 charge: [Ryuusen], C1(cant be charge) withH, JC;
A2 without charge: [Back slash], B1 with H,JC;
Heavy attack Sequence B:
B1 charge: [Gatsu], B2 with H, JC;
B1 without charge: [Step Slash], B2 with H, JC;
B2 charge: [Heavy slash], D1 with H, Fp 10%decreased, [LETS GET TO IT] with L at JC, JC;
B2 without charge: [Jump Slash], E1 with H, JC;
Heavy attack Sequence C: Backstep+H;
C1 charge: [Souryuusen], Fp 50% down, JC;
L X 5------[Nine Alpha Cut] + [Thunder Dash];F2 with H, JC;
C1 without charge: [Owl Dash], C2 with H, JC;
C2 charge: [Onmai], HG;
C2 without charge: [Triple Cut], [Air JudgementCut] with L, F2 with H;
Jump Light: [Triple mirage;]
Jump Heavy: [Diving Slash], speed up landingwith thunder released, B1 with H, JC;
Guard counter: [Judgement Cu]t, Fp 10%decreased;
[JudgementCut conti] with L, [Judgement Cut conti] can repeat if press L at right time
repeatedly, A2 with H;
D2 with H;
Wield with two-hand:
Light Attack: [Rapid-Slash], with FPcontinuously recovered; F1 with H, JC;
[Combo C]: [Sabimaru]with L during slash, E1with H during slash, [LETS GET TO IT] with L at JC, JC;
[Air Judgement Cut]:[Air Judgement Cut] can repeat if press L at right time repeatedly
Dash-Light: [Senppuukiri], C1 with H, JC;
Dash-Heavy: [Jump Sting], B1 with H, JC;
Dodge-Light: [Sabimaru], [Senppuukiri] withL, B1 with H, JC;
Backstep Light: [LETS GET TO IT], Fp consumedout, and recovers for 40% with Light strike; [Rapid-slash] with L, F1 with H,
Heavy attack Sequence D:
D1 charge: [Miyavi], D2 with H, Fp 10%decreased, JC;
D1 without charge: [Air Dash Slash];
D2 charge: [Frozen burst], [Rapid-Slash] withL, F1 with H, Fp 10% decreased, JC;
D2 without charge: [Spirit Slash], A2 with H; [ThunderDash] with L at JC, JC;
Heavy attack Sequence E:
E1 charge:[Heavy Raise], B2 with H, Fp 10%decreased, JC;
E1 without charge: [Triple Cut], [Air JudgementCut] with L, F2 with H;
E2 charge: [Isshin], [Spirit Slash] with L, A2with H, JC;
E2 without charge: [Spirit Slash], A2 with H;[Thunder Dash] with L at JC, JC;
Heavy attack Sequence F:
F1 Charge: [Waterfowl Dance 1st], [AirJudgement Cut] with L, F2 with H;
F1 without charge: [Rising Star];
F2 Charge: [Setsunahyouka], Fp 10% decreased,HG;
F2 without charge: [Air Dash Slash];
Jump Light: Air Judgement Cut, speed uplanding;
Jump Heavy: [Diving Slash], speed up landingwith thunder released, B1 with H, JC;
Guard Counter: Hell’ s gate, short stand afterlanding;
Into AoW: Can’t be touched from enemy;
Hold AoW with walk: Super defense andtoughness;
Hold AoW with stand: Super defense andtoughness; Fp consumed out within 1s;
Out of AoW: [Rapid Heavy Slash], [Rapid-slash]with L, F1 with H, JC;
Hold AoW and Light attack with Fp: [SpaceSlash], [Rapid-slash] with L, D1 with H, Fp 10% decreased, JC;
Hold AoW and H with Fp:[Frayed Blade], C1 with H, Fp 10% decreased,JC;
Hold AoW and Light attack without Fp: Octoslash,the HG intro is at the time when rise to the highest point with weapon
shealthed. Fp recovered for 40% after landing;
Hold AoW and H with Fp: Judgement Cut (not yet)END, A1;

lCurved Greatsword + Ash of War: Square Off

Available Weapon:
Dismounter, Monk's Flameblade
Main Trait:
1.Motions on groundcan be canceled with Dodge or AoW at any time, Square Off + light: Gunparry, Square
Off + Heavy: Ex Shuffle (damage avoid)
2.B1, C2 into exceedstate (30 s), fire damage attached, animation strengthened;
3.Board fly, whereascend, descend, left and right turn available, multiple air attack available;
Wield with one-hand:
Light Attack: Sword attack, B1 with H;
Dash Light: Punch line board fly, into two-hand,E1 with H;
Dash Heavy: Hard way, B1 with H;
Dodge Light: Hard way, B1 with H;
Backstep Light: Streak chasing, H beforeslash into one-hand guard counter;
Heavy attack Sequence A:
A1 Charge: Showdown 1st, H right after slashinto two-hand guard counter;
A1 without Charge: Slash gun shot, A2 with H;
A2 Charge: Triple shoot, B1 with H;
A2 without Charge: Gunslinger back, into two-hand,F1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence B:
B1 Charge: Ex High Roller Spin, into two-hand,F2 with H;
B1 without Charge: Sliding slash, damageavoid before attack, B2 with H;
B2 Charge: Shuffle, damage avoid beforeattack, C1 with H;
B2 without Charge: Rotary slash, damageavoid before attack, A1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence C:
C1 Charge: Overdrive, C2 with H;
C1 without Charge: Bloody queen, into two-hand,F2 with H;
C2 Charge: Maximum Bet, into two-hand, D1with H;
C2 without Charge: Bloodhound's Finesse 2nd,B1 with H;
Jump Light: Payline, into one-hand;
Jump Heavy: Double down, into two-hand;
Guard counter: Ex Streak, C1 with H;
Wield with two-hand:
Light Attack: Ex calibur and triple airslashes, F1 with H;
Dash Light: Punch line board fly, into two-hand,E1 with H;
Dash Heavy: Hard way, B1 with H;
Dodge Light: Hard way, B1 with H;
Backstep Light: Streak chasing, H beforeslash into one-hand guard counter;
Heavy attack Sequence D:
D1 Charge: Gunslinger front, into one-hand,A2 with H;
D1 without charge: Twin rotary slash, D2with H;
D2 Charge: Ex high roller, into one-hand, C1with H;
D2 without charge: Triple slash, into one-hand,B1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence E:
E1 Charge: Board ascend, damage avoid duringascending, can be canceled at any time with light attack or dodge, E2 with H;
E1 without Charge: Board descend, can becanceled at any time with light attack or dodge, E2 with H;
E2 Charge: Board ascend, can be canceled atany time with light attack or dodge, E1 with H;
E2 without Charge: Board descend, can be canceledat any time with light attack or dodge, E1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence F:
F1 Charge: Air provoke, damage avoid duringascending, character would stay in the sky during the later part of this
motion, F2 with H;
F1 without Charge: Roulette spin, F2 with H;
F2 Charge: Punch line board fly, into two-hand,E1 with H;
F2 without Charge: Boost Knuckle, light andheavy available in the sky into jump attack;
Jump Light: Payline, into one-hand;
Jump Heavy: Double down, into two-hand;
Guard counter: Showdown 2nd,Defense strengthened;
Ash of War: Square Off:
Into AoW: Lock on, damage avoid, Fp 20%recovered;
Hold AoW and Light attack: Shoot, parryattacks from within 10 m range, C1 with H;
Hold AoW and H: Ex Shuffle, damage avoid before slash, C1with H;

lColossal + Ash of War: Stamp(Upward Cut)

Available Weapon:
Bastard Sword、Forked Greatsword、Iron Greatsword、Lordsworn'sGreatsword、Gargoyle's Greatsword
Main Trait:
1.During the recoveryframe of every land motion, press H at the time when the Storm emblem
shimmering would introduce into the Guard Counter and change from one-hand to two-hand
or two-hand from one-hand;
2.Part of the one-handH would consume 10% Fp and wield Red Flame, which would trench the enemy’ s Hp;
These attacks would be marked with RF;
3.Motions can’t becanceled with dodge, but can be canceled with AoW;
Wield with one-hand:Single sword mode.
Light Attack: H into A1, B1 and C1 after thefirst, second and third light attack specifically;
Dash Light: Wild Strikes, B1 with H.
Dash Heavy: Double thrust, into two-hand, E1with H.
Dodge Light: Lion Slash, B1 with H.
Backstep Light: Shouryuu kiri, light andheavy available in the sky into jump attack, RF;
Heavy attack Sequence A:
A1: Upward Cut, A2 with H;
A2: Upward Slash, B1 with H, RF;
Heavy attack Sequence B:
B1 Charge: Giant Hunt, B2 with H;
B1 without Charge: Pierce, B2 with H.
B2 Charge: Strong Horizontal slash, RF, C1with H;
B2 without Charge: Horizontal slash, RF, C1with H;
Heavy attack Sequence C:
C1 Charge: Twin slash, C2 with H.
C1 without Charge: Smash, C2 with H;
C2 Charge: Blackblade 2nd, RF, A1with H;
C2 without Charge: The Queen's Black Flame 1st, RF, A1with H;
Jump Light: Smash, RF, into one-hand;
Jump Heavy: Double slash, into two-hand;
Guard counter: Double Slash; Into two-hand;
Wield with two-hand:Double sword mode
Light Attack: H into D1, E1 and F1 after thefirst, second and third light attack specifically;
Dash Light: Wild Strikes, into one-hand, B1with H.
Dash Heavy: Double thrust, E1 with H.
Dodge Light: Double slash, E1 with H.
Backstep Light: Upward double slash, F1 withH;
Heavy attack Sequence D:
D1: Double smash, D2 with H;
D2: Double smash, E1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence E:
E1: Double slash, E2 with H;
E2: Leap double smash, D1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence C:
C1: Double thrust, F2 with H.
C2: Leap Double smash, RF, A1 with H;
Jump Light: Smash, RF, into one-hand;
Jump Heavy: Double slash, into two-hand;
Guard counter: Horizontal Slash; Into two-hand;
Ash of War: Stamp (Upward Cut):
Fp > 0:
One click with AoW: Stamp, damage avoidedduring the motion, parry available;
H after stamp: Back smash, RF, A1 or D1 withH;
Fp = 0:
One click with AoW:Soul of Cinders slashes, Fp recovered;

lTwinblade + Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step(Light load)

Available Weapon:
Twinblade(Thesimplest one), Eleonora's Poleblade
Main Trait:, two-hand-Dual sword mode, which would change during particular motion;
2.Long-range WeaponAttack;
3.Air dance: Bloodhound'sStep (Light load) in sky;
4.ES: When the FireEmblem appears during the recovery frame of any “Throw Weapon Heavy Attack”;
a)If the character ismoving forward, [Wind Split] with L, [Blade Gate] with H;
b)If the character ismoving backward, [Thrusting Edge] with L, [Gift] with H;
c)In some motion, whenthe Emblem did not appear, [Bloody Claw] with L;
this special time would be marked as ES;
5.Press Light afterdifferent motion would lead to the most suitable [Blade Dance].
Wield with one-hand:Twinblade mode
Light Attack: [Blade Dance], B1 with Hduring the first 4 L, E1 with H after the first 4 L;
Dash Light: [Thrusting Edge], into one-hand,B1 with H;
Dash Heavy: [Wind Split], into two-hand, E1with H;
Dodge Light: [Bloodhound slash 2nd],into two-hand, E1 with H;
Backstep Light: [Bloody Claw], throw attack,into one-hand;
Throwavailable on human type enemy, and Malenia in Boss only;
Ifthrow unable, [Jingliu] with L, B1 with H
Heavy attack Sequence A:
A1 Charge: [Farewell], [Bloody Claw] with L,C2 with H, ES;
A1 without charge: [Jump-pierce], A2 with H;
A2 Charge: [Farewell], [Bloody Claw] with L,C1 with H, ES;
A2 without charge: [Kaisengou], A1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence B:
B1 Charge: [Sword blew 1st], B2 withH, ES;
B1 without Charge: [Sabimaru Left], B2 with H,into two-hand, E2 with H;
B2 Charge: [Sword blew 2nd], B1with H, ES;
B2 without Charge: [Another Time], C1 withH, ES;
Heavy attack Sequence C:
C1 Charge: [Rankiri], into two-hand, [ThrustingEdge] with L, F2 with H;
C1 without Charge: [Bloodblade dance 2nd],[Thrusting Edge] with L, C2 with H;
C2 Charge: [Cursed-Blood Slice 2nd], [ThrustingEdge] with L, A1 with H;
C2 without Charge: [Horizontal slash], [ThrustingEdge] with L, B1 with H;
Jump Light: [Descending Thrust], into one-hand;
Jump Heavy: [Jumping Double Slash], into two-hand;
Guard counter: [Blade Gate], parry state, [Jingliu]with L, A1 with H;
[Jingliu]: Jump attack queued;
Wield with two-hand:Dual sword mode
Light Attack: [Blade Dance], E1 with Hduring the first 4 L, B1 with H at last L;
Dash Light: [Thrusting Edge], into one-hand,B1 with H;
Dash Heavy: [Wind Split], into two-hand, E1with H;
Dodge Light: [Bloodhound slash 2nd],into two-hand, E1 with H;
Backstep Light: [Bloody Claw], throw attack,into one-hand;
Throwavailable on human type enemy, and Malenia in Boss only;
Ifthrow unable, [Jingliu] with L, B1 with H
Heavy attack Sequence D:
D1 Charge: [Round Flame 1st], D2with H, ES;
D1 without charge: [Sabimaru Right], D2 withH;
D2 Charge: [Round Flame 2nd], F1with H, ES;
D2 without charge: [Dual Blood], E1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence E:
E1 Charge: [Greeting Shift], into one-hand,B1 with H, ES;
E1 without Charge: [Sabimaru Left], B2 with H,into two-hand, E2 with H;
E2 Charge: [Back Slash], F1 with H, ES;
E2 without Charge: [Upward Cut], D1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence F:
F1 Charge: [Fire Strom], F2 with H, ES;
F1 without Charge: [Dual Sting], F2 with H, ES;
F2 Charge: [Forgotten Rook], [Jingliu] with L, A1 with H,ES;
F2 without Charge: [Meteoroid], B1 with H;
Jump Light: Descending Thrust, into one-hand;
Jump Heavy: Jumping Double Slash, into two-hand;
Guard counter: [Gift], dodge state, Movingto enemy above, Jump attack queued;
Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step (Light load):
a)On the Ground, Notduring the AoW:
Lock on enemy + pressthe AoW + Front / Without lock + press the AoW: pole vault, damage avoid; After
i; AoW withoutdirection during ascent will continue to Air Jump in the air; During the Air
Jump, character will rise first and descend after, where a fire emblem would emerge
before falling to the lowest point; If continue to press the AoW before the emblem
appears, character will continue to jump in the air; After the emblem disappears
for a short time, continue to jump in the air is disabled, the character is
falling now, press the light and heavy into the Jump attack instead to land
safely; Caution: falling during the jump attack for a long time would still die;

ii; Lock on theenemy and AoW with Left, Right or Back direction during ascent will go into air
dance; During the Air dance, character will descend first and ascend after then
descend again with twinblade slashes, where a fire emblem would emerge before
falling to the lowest point; If continue to press the AoW before the emblem
appears, character will continue to move in the air; After the emblem disappears
for a short time, continue to jump in the air is disabled, the character is
falling now, press the light and heavy into the Jump attack instead to land
safely; Caution: falling during the jump attack for a long time would still
iii; Press light andheavy in Air to Land;
b)On the ground, Lockon enemy + Press the AoW + Left: Parry, [Bloody Claw] with L, C1 with H;
c)On the ground, Lockon enemy + Press the AoW + Right:
First time:[Arrows], [Bloody Claw] with L, B1 or E1 with H;
Not First time:[Heavy Sword], ES;
d)On the ground, Lockon enemy + Press the AoW + Back:
First time: [BackJump], into one-hand, [Bloody Claw] with L, ES;
Not First time:[Fubuki], [Bloody Claw] with L, C1 with H;

lFist + Ash of War: Kick:

Available Weapon:
Bare hand、Grafted Dragon、Iron Ball(Recommended)、Star Fist (Recommended)
Main Trait:
Right weapon inone-hand-----Punch and Fist and Lance attack;
Right Weapon intwo-hand-----Kick and Whip attack;
The one-hand andtwo-hand can be automatically changed by dodge attack, backstep attack, jump
attack and C2F2 attcak;
Wield with one-hand:
Light Attack: B1 with H during the lightattack recovery frame; A1 with H when the recovery frame ends;
Dash Light: Triple Whip Slash, B1 with H;
Dash Heavy: Long range Jump Kick, into two-hand,E1 with H;
Dodge Light: Double Punch, B1 with H.
Backstep Light:
Heavy attack Sequence A:
A1 charge: Upward Punch, H before the punchand change into Guard counter.
A1 without charge: Right Hook, capable ofdodging harm before attack success, A2 with H.
A2 charge: Upward Punch, H before the punchand change into Guard counter.
A2 without charge: Left Hook, capable ofdodging harm before attack success, A1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence B:
B1 Charge: Guiding Pole Vault, into two-hand, E2with H;
B1 without Charge: Back Double Punch, B2with H;
B2 Charge: Back lance stab, C1 with H;
B2 without Charge: Jump Double Punch, theMartial state, C1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence C:
C1 Charge: Thigh Lance stab, C2 with H;
C1 without Charge: Forward Double Punch, C2 withH;
C2 Charge: Adula Fire released with Spear Stab,into two-hand, E1 with H.
C2 without Charge: Jump Smash, B1 with H;
Jump Light: Downward Hammer, into one-hand,A1 with H.
Jump Heavy: Star Fall, into two-hand, D1with H.
Guard Counter: Diving Dragon, into jumpattack;
Wield with two-hand:
Light combo: E1 with H during the lightattack recovery frame; D1 with H when the recovery frame ends;
Dash Light: Triple Whip Slash, into one-hand,B1 with H;
Dash Heavy: Long range Jump Kick, E1 with H;
Dodge Light: Jump Kick, E1 with H;
Backstep Light: Punch missile, intoone-hand, B1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence D:
D1 Charge: Back flip, During the recoveryframe, press H at the time when the Carian emblem shimmering at the left hand
would introduce into the two-hand - Guard Counter.
D1 without Charge: Upward Star Fall, intojump attack.
D2 Charge: Kick 13 DT Air Slash, into jumpattack;
D2 without Charge: Double Whip leg, E1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence E:
E1 Charge: Flint Wheel, into jump attack;
E1 without Charge: Chasing Kick, E2 with H;
E2 Charge: Rotary chasing Kick, intoone-hand, C1 with H.
E2 without Charge: Consecutive Kicks, theMartial state, F1 with H;
Heavy attack Sequence F:
F1 Charge: Kick 13 DT, D2 with H;
F1 without Charge: Triple Whip Leg attack,F2 with H;
F2 Charge: Augmenting Drive, into one-hand,B1 with H.
F2 without Charge: Kick 13, E1 with H;
Jump Light: Downward Hammer, into one-hand,A1 with H.
Jump Heavy: Star Fall, into two-hand, D1with H.
Guard Counter: Inferno;
Martial state:
5 s, Air cannon added with Light combo, Windorbit added with Light combo
Fp decreased to 10%, Physical damage increasedfor 50%, Poise dmg increased for 20%, Player Poise Strengthened.
Ash of War: Kicks:
Crossing hand with Parry available;

Usage Instructions 1.10.0-01 (2024)
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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.