The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY IJCEYIIOUU INDIANA THURSDAY, OCTO: This Model 17Fia eked in Storn ns3 1 1 i 1 LrTjSS) i 2U4 Chestnut Street, Seymour. 4 12 West Second Etrr-i The.New. EB3IS0M -'i '-v- .1 ft milk vTtmPl is identical with the one used at ithe reoitV Tuesday, 1 ning at Shields nigh School, The artist sang in unison with her RECREATED voice and the audience was not able to detect any difference between', the U.W Wild Here are four of the seventeen planes that were wrecked near Baltimore in tlie sixtymile eale 'that I New dpn and the voice of the Uving artist, jrpvng "that i'the swepr rne vnanuc coasi. ivone oi personnel was murea in tne storm, recreation was aosoiuieiy wenucai wim wpnai -every re spect Many beautiful models on display and priced, so you can all In the News of the Day LM j) Pore, Per Pc-Jgl afford to own one, flOO and up. 1c 72 il i H.

HANco*ck MUSIC CO. Opposite Interurbaii jPhojit t6VSeyraor, Ind. 4, wm 1 Pc: dJxaf SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE ITeds jCall Oeclslon latcfi To GUILLOTINE ONCE STARTED BOBBED HAIR FAD IN PARIS Have -Been Played With iMued Ererr Eranint Except 8undar Publlliher JAT SMITH Indianapolis A. Entered the Seymour, Indiana, Pot-olDoa Soond-cUas Matur. i Probably few local girk and women who wear shingle bobs and the other 57- varieties know that the style was once started in Paris by royalist- women who were to have their heads cut off because their BASEBALL SEASON ENDS DAI LI By Carrier.

One 1 1 Six Months Three Month! I TS .16 One Week- ruil VB (Kfall In Idnnu. i Fans Disappointed In Not Getting hair dd not then interfere with the blade of tho guillotine. lwLt tnoa. moa. 1 r.

County. Zones 11.25 J6 $4.00 Zone 15e 1.80 t.lf COO Zonea (. 7, I -Ho 2.00 1.60 .00 To See Vic Aldridge In Action Testimony to this was disclosed in a grim little satire, written by a For Seymour Team, WEEKXT S0o-75e 60o 0o 1.60 tl.iO 1.00 French woman at the time of the Commune, whk-h was, found in a County-Konea 4 Zonea 6, 7, 8 The baseball season came quietly I AppfeButter, hid''- Boiled Oats, a iargejar.T:::rOC; ib. Corn Meal, Whh, in Catsup, Country ifi 3 AUC Club, II 02. bottle: IDC Lemon Wafer Cakes, Xroger Washing 1 lb.

UC Powder, A Peanut Butter, on- Pancake Flour, 1 Bulk, Country Club, pkg. A Pink Salmon, -t Coffee, French apj TaH AOC Brand, 4 Cotton Gloves, 1 Macaroni, 1 I dozen PleOeV Bulk, lb. AUC Velvet Cakes, Karo Syrup, 07 gach PC Blue label, 5 Post Toasties, 1 AZ Chocolate Drops, package rlUC p. mass of French books and manuscripts obtained by a large motion picture studio in Paris for research to a close here today with the an 'National Avrlinlng RpresentattVM U. EDMUND SCHEEKEK 110 Michigan Ave.

Chicago K. K. MULLIGAN SO EL Forty-second St. New xork nouncement that the game scheduled) for next Sunday, at which Vic I The writer commented on the pre THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29v 1925. valence of short tresses in this wise: Aldridge, of Indiana Springs, Pitta- 'It is the custom, before womon burgh's pitching star, was to be thej DAILY BIBIE THOUGHT chief attraction, had been are executed, to cut off their hair, that it may not interfere with the Press and Radio Copy Prepared -by BIBLE Bureau.

BKKV1U15 The Radio "You can play baseball in I snow'' declared Herman A SUN AND SIIIELDiThe Lord who has been maanger of the busi- executioner's blade. So all royalist women go to the guillotine with their hair off at the neck. Incidentally, the head soon follows this example. affairs of the local club' re God is a sun and shield; the Lord will, give grace and glory; no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm cently.

v. Vv lillMiiiiiluilillliiiiilllMIIIIUIIUUiUlllllllliillullluu.J Wise Crax Frosa the Mr. Chambers intimated that Vie! By International News Berries. "Qrisettes, aa abit of humor, began cutting then: hair 1 the same way aping the aristocrats in: their last fashion. They are finding that it is comfortable and the custom is Aldridge himself did not set up be a snowball pitcher and that other! WPm members of the team had called at- Married men are not really tention to the difficulty of knocking (heavier.

It's just held -in language growing, xso one knows where it a snowball very far no matter how that gives that effect. Huntington PUBicAjr Ttcxrr For Mayer-Levi B. HI1U For Clerk-Treasurer Grace Aafier-' helde. i For Counolimen-at-mrge George Hanco*ck, Edward Masaman For Ward Councilmen: First Ward-'-Harvey A. Field Second Ward Frank Third Ward Walter E.

Hyatt Fourth Ward Eugene Ireland. Fit to Ward Sherman Day. will stop." hard they hit it. Herald i if The season will end in a one jtnd PROFESSOR SHOWS MODERN one tie between the Indianapolis A. Texas cattle ranges are giving a ANGLER TALE OLD STUFF B.

Csand the Reds. Local fans wy to cotton fields. would would have liked- to see a decision rather be "clad in silks than 'eat 'v0 Kt ijtS Fish Four Feet Long Swam Deeol i battle fought out, bat most of them beef. Lake County Times, BSOCATIO TICXST For Mayor Charles E. Miles.

For Clerk-Treasurer touts JW. nlngs. Dr. Campbell, of London, who is conducting noonday meeting at Tremant Temple, Boston, van recite the Bible from cover to eover. Philip A.

DeLaszle, European artist, has arrived to paint President Coolidge's portrait. Fish, captain; Amer k( Mao Trade, eiiroute to "New. York, rescued 32 men aboard sink- ing Norwegian tramp ship in mid-Atlantic; Senator, Caraway, of Arkansas, charged the crop forecasts aid speculators and cost planter of the South millions a year. fl agreed with the management of the For OounelImen-t-Lrne Harry B. club that baseball season ib If the Prince of Wnle.

rmiKl Hundred MHlion Years Ano, He Says. itai -f By. International Jawa 8erloa Chicago, Oct. 29. One hundred million years ago a "poor fish" lived.

Not the ordinary "poor fish," as in dead, no matter, how bard mncb of just get a day off, he might find an effort is made to keep it alive! himself a steady job. Lafayette tutu, ueorge vv. nuber. For Ward Councilmen: First Ward Logan Larrent-Second Ward John P. Dittmer.

Third Ward George H. Krlete. Fourth Wrard Michael 3. Qulnn. Fifth Ward Henry J.

Morlts. and kicking. IJournal-Courier. Fans al lover-thissection of-the dicated by American slang, but one of the real, genuine, Vld-fashloned 1 I To Open Gas Bids. By International' News Service.

state were disappointed that the Wo believe in people having game conld not playsd last Sun- skeletons in Jheir closets. Much W-day and it is probable that there ter than having them bathing CMP WINNER. 1 finny inhabitants of the sea. Prof. S.

A. Romer, palcontolosUt. woum flavs oeen a Dig crowa even i suits. south Bend Hews-Tunes. 29.

The state highway commission will consider of the University of Chicago, plans next Sunday if the Weather; Man pi'RE, delicious milk, pas teurtxed and delivered by us daily in sterilized bottles is in deed a drink and. a food fit for a king. Take Sumson's tip and tr it. 4 PURE MILK AND CREAM to bring the remains of the aged naa maae a rapia anout-iace anai Chiropractors, Thousands of people1, who were formerly sick a Iarje, percentage of the time, now have reason to be thankful, because Chiropractic adjustments have been the means of making them Colds, bronchitis, fonsilitis, headaches and all these everyday ailments respond quickly to Cbiropradtio adjustments. Scott and Scott, Palmer Graduates, 119 Va N.

Chestnut St Phpnei 442. 1- -r. r.i 30d brought a good day for playing. rard would run from Avenue 4 west aqiuatic cceature to Chicago. "The whole fish he explained, ''was yiwnii i in VUlvl Vv tta it great that It will be better football chicken, coop is permitted to knock weather- than baseball, the Reds' the map of a plan commission into probably four feet long, with one: fourth of the length made up by the skull.

I management reels, and it is better a co*cked hat. Garv Post Tribune. Prof. Romer has agreed to tell his to letthe sport drop nntil spring! 1111 breezes; begin follow; ALLEGED SWINDLER HELD bids on Friday for gasoline, grease and oil fop use by its motorized department in' 1926. These supplies, jt was stated will cost the state approximately $800,000.

Similar bids were' received recently and turned down by the commission because they were deemed unsatisfactory. Thirty-seven years' was the life of a shingle- roof that T. C. Van Eaton, a pioneer' after' whom was named, renewed this summer. The structure houses a department store, whose classes of the life in the realm of AND COnAOEXHCESCt Neptune years aeo.

s- Johh Petrte Is Charoed With playing the remains as proof for his statements. "Inhabitants of the Operating Bucket UilkuillllillilliliiiiUiuiliililliliiilimililliulinmiwiiiuuiJ Flapper Busy WitK Bob Curl Today 30 Years Hence, Says Woman Teacher Missouri globe were tellinjf fish stories even that Jong he said, "so you see there is nothing original about the Bjr International News Service. Indianapolis Oct. 29 John 1 1 1 By International "News Senrlcaj imaginative narrative of the modern angler." It must my generation to! Petric, under a six year sentence at; Sing Sing prison in New York for operating a bucket shop, was The- Ideal St. Louis, Oct.

297-The flapper hand that now shapes, a nifty bob Ik-sides the fossils of the aged fish, Frof. Romer has shipped to the nna out tne trutn aoaut public, affairs. And if America does not surrender thetruth to this new and en quiring- generation, it nnust remain held for grand jury section Jiere to- curl in thirty years' from now will Vivjjiiciur uei ian-u mat not a 1 cent's worth of goods had Wen damaged by leakage. The shingles were split out of red cedar cut nearby. I if I i 1 day job a forgery charge.

mle the nation. if" many other valuable specimens. "Among thent are the folice said he was wanted' in a thu tinnnv liiintinA. crrviinl Iium. The prediction that' a.

woman will i-mains of a ''Frich lln-Fteit' it -in-1 hseat--President otihe I- bluster arid bluff of ignorance." state of perfect preservation;" -he, said. Students ar anxiously waiting United States, when. the ser 'has mastered the "Bniffrage flaa 1-frklf- aflM tliA vahiim. iw ee wnat tne Tm-flsh" looks like, of the day were epoceroed chiefly 1 J'ffonvine. ininois and 1 lVi Vkwlr wmWi linnna innlnlini aliases including New-York- under- Traffic accidents in Berlin increased during the second quarter 1925 io a total of 2,816, As compared with dming-the-first three months.

Casualties of the second quarter included twelve deaths and 280 persons seriounly in-jured. Was made Tiere -by Mias Nellie LeeoltV instructor7 in the Department of Stephens with three major problems. SILK RAGS NOW MADE the names of Thomas J. Kelley, are: r- INTO THREAD IN JAPAN College, Columbia, ci7 in 'pleading The. searching 'effect pf science.

2. The effect of democracy in Old and Cameron Says His Prescription Has Poiyerful IcSuence industry and government. the cause of the, flapper generation before the League of Women Voters Making' her 'statemejit iwithin Ihe borders of the stat where all sw- Process Invented To Convert Cloth Into New Floss By Chemical Action. 3. The position of women in gov How to stop ernment industry.

There four types of women. By international News Berries. ters and brothers regard most everything jith a "show-me" attitnde, Miss Holt declared that the she said, to meet these problems 1 Over Rheumatism vi-i, i. a process young: wives and mothers, j-oung wnereny suit rags can be, converted into silk thread possessing all teachers, young business women and Mr. lames II.

AHen, of 26 Forbes 8U Rochester, N. suffered for tho eternal parasites. The last properties of newly bpuh silk ia re. 01 her age were going the problems of the 'day unshackled by tradition and were making a study of worldly situations' to their own co- named aha a -y wlt rneumatism. Many times lrted to have lieen by 7.71 7- this terrible -disease left blm helpless A self-contained heating unit that has all the advantages of a furnace and.

4 operated at minimum TfueL It is Just the heater' yon been wanting. COST INSTALLED ONLY a'-. PLUMBING, HEATING and ELECTRIC SHOP 7 rroiessor inouye, of the Higher me uvea luuauie to oe and nnable to work. interested in anything, not He finally decided, after years of scientious conviction yif My' generation T' wants 'the cold, ceaseless study, that no on can be A nf 'in; Ifree from rheumatism -until tbe-ac- nencuitural bchool of Uyeda.

It is understood" that the transformation is made possible by treat called unbiased, unprejudiced Miss Holt said. "It" cannot care for old Thera'a only one way to stop boOs. 3top tlie caose of boils! That's common siseisn ft? An right oils thnw becaaso the blood gets weak healthy, red cells that it can't throw off the impurities ihat get into body. There's not enough rich, red tlood to jpnry the system. a bull b4ck tha blood to Zshttag strength.

8, 8. 8. builds nds them by the Boils dry up! a B. la tiu thing, toparttfes that ansa.boai and other sJUa erupttona i0 tnd sp against the rich, Jthr, rei blood that a Sr a builds. That's all thero to tt.

T4 ing: tne silk rags through a chemical ouggrwu iueiWie acid 'deposits, were, dissolveA In league to gjye them the pleasures the Joints and musotes and expelled partylines Tad the platitudes of process. lJrof. Inouye predicts that they seek, but give it to them in "ao- lfrom the body. noliticianK, Its appearance of in- ms discovery will has'e a Jfar-j-eaclu ei aprviW wrtrlr Tn I With this ideaIn mind he consulted llitTerence is in reality mask teg enect upon the silk market in 1 physicians, made experiments and fin Japan. the humility with which it approaen- 1 TiiiiiL ji ri isijsJl W.

L. CLARK, Mgr; mem, is ner remeay. aUy compounded-a prescription that 1 es its task. Intellectually huimVe( we socialists. "Ihey are like fish out.

of water," quickly and completely banished every are in- 1fn symptom of rheumatjsm iJAZ won the Jacques fu'hrttt'der cuj for The- RussianrT-ommiHsariarof "c'd: cannot cover Jhe 'entire field, so we Eton bolls with A-UTs -wayr! tercsted. they will jimprove," nni -w; He freely jgave la dlscoyery. which The.flappefnrin.7WfViw, she de- he.caUed Allenrhu. to others who took clared, and she predicts that in the it, with what called marvel- I 8lo liminatetx.Dital-Ulo:i 'J -wlu mm larger totuo mora from the 'r 1,1 ainmore, win is -not enough. 3 El CMS.

E. Ci-E'FiE of the oronoKiti." 1 i'nff flyers. next 25 vears she will accomplish pus success. After years of urging the task of life and that looking ve he to let sufferers everywhere aiurii tiai the oriental nation iacornorated In A the- Soviet Federation are not ae-l "cat I jPractica limited to Iseasea 1 of jthe Eye, Eax, years wdl newspapers. woman President." structed Jones Xharmacy and, drug- Biust itaiid squarely nnd say v.e bare- no malice or prejudice' against flBj'onr.

My genera tion looks to the lupe of Women Voters as the. culmination of nil women's "organiy.a-"tiotw.; The' future of women -in govcrBnient is in the muft ally' the' new vofrr vish tin- The speaker -Vrecentlv returned gists everywhere to dispense Allenrhu and Throat, and i il INSURANCE AND IX)ANS. IilLiL ESTATE, customed to employ capilalletters tmr have opeiI dowa town "il'tjnldjH! 1 jasicrJorJhcm store at 107 N. Chestnut where rir to learn Russian if capital letters wiir glad to amo yon. We will were excluded, i' also continue the sale of flowers at from the conference 1 of the World ith the undcrstaading that If his I A.

I I 1 FITTINQ QtAZZZS 'SEYSIOTTlt, INDIANA. Federation of 0:.:., I uw 1101 UHiiisu every Educational Societies and BTmntftm th i the Greenhouses. Phone and nt to which Stephens wm Kiadly return yonr money with. Everyone Reada the Clasaifled Advs. 128.

out comment. Adv. College sent her as a delegate. elSdtf prejudiced nsti-partisan jujcnt..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.