The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1984 Family Living Guidelines for teen-age Dear Readers: A clipping came to me with no indication of its origin. The last three words were "Don Fay, Avon." If there is such a person and such a place I would like to give him credit. The subject Runaway Teens. Here is a version that has been sharply edited in the interest of space: Too many well meaning members of a community are willing to take in a teen when their own child brings him home and says, "His parents kicked him out and he doesn't have a place to stay. Can we let him stay here?" Chances are if you say "yes," you will be sorry unless you follow a few guidelines.

1. Set the rules before you give him permission to stay. Discuss them. Make changes that are mutually agreeable. Write them down and get him to sign them.

He should have a copy as well as you. Each rule should spell -out the consequences if it is broken. The rules must be enforced with no exception. The first time you backslide you will lose control of 1 the situation. 2.

Call the parents. Tell them you have their child and would like to talk with them. When you hear their side you will probably learn the teen was thrown out because of anti social behavior, or he chose to leave rather than obey the rules set down by his parents. 3. Your should be to send the teen back home.

This is where he belongs, and where he must learn to face the responsibilities rather than run away from them. 4. Make the teen work. Don't treat him as a guest. He must clean 1 his room, help with the laundry, do dishes, mow the lawn.

The more you can find for him to do the better. 5. Make him live up to your standards. If you go to church, insist that Immanuel LWML sees Navajo Indian slides Larry and Ruth Thomas showed slides of their mission service in the Navaho Indian Reservation in New Mexico when Lutheran Women's Missionary League met April 26 at Immanuel Lutheran Church Social Room. Joan Roth, missionary service chairman, told of a need for sewing kits for missions.

She explained how to make them and said they may be taken to the LWML District Convention June 20-22 at Notre Dame. Mrs. Roth also told about "Trash for Treasures," a practice of saving grocery and household labels which can be redeemed by seminary students. Beulah Clark told of the group's sewing projects and stressed the need for these items at the nursing homes. Thank- you notes were read from nursing homes for donated sewed items.

Members were reminded of the Zone workshop at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brownstown. Members are asked to take shoe box size boxes to the workshop. Janet Benter reported 10,000 lbs.

of stamps were collected for mission in 1983. She said this amounted to almost $10,000 and encouraged members to continue saving stamps. Frances Anderson led the closing hymn. Hostesses were Lois Akins, Mrs. Roth 'and Margaret Stockelman.

Others attending were Loretta Baker, Irma Bobb, Betty Bobb, Margaret Breitfield, Angeline Brethauer, Laura Brunow, Helen Goecker, Verna Holtman, Irma Lange, Lorna Pardieck. Velora Pollert, Luella Rittman, Florence Ring, Malinda Steltenpohl, Hilda, Tormoehlen, Anna Tungeitt, -Adrene Wunder and Hilda Auffenberg, a guest. Hints from Heloise DEAR HELOISE: The gifts I choose for baby showers are strictly practical. I pack them in a small basket so that when the gift is gone the basket is still useful. I line up disposable diapers in a rectangular basket or fill a round one with a variety of baby food.

A stuffed animal sitting in a basket with a ball and a rattle is cute. There are other possibilities for other occasions. A housewarming gift could be a complete meal or bread, wine, cheese and fruit in a picnic basket. Hostess gifts, such as fancy soaps or candies, can be packed on a wicker platter. When we are invited to watch sports events at someone's home, we take along a wicker bowl lined with paper napkins and filled with popcorn.

You can mail canister baskets filled with cookies or pecans for holiday gifts. There is no end to the ideas. Mrs. G.G. CARPET FRESHENER Dear Heloise: Anyone who Photo by Jim Noelker features two large County stone.

Sunday tour are that of Richard and JoAnn Montgomery, 525 Lasher Drive; that of Helen Correll Bruckschen, 809 W. Eighth that of Drs. George a and Rosemary Weir, Brownstown R1: that of. Judge Robert and Donna Brown, Lake and Forest Club, Brownstown; and that of Robert and Ethel Thomas, Lake and Forest Club, Brownstown. Church.

Phone 522-5248 for information. Fort Vallonia Chapter, Daughters of American Revolution 1:30 p.m. at Jackson County Rural Electric, Brownstown, for a program on colonial cookery. Hostesses are Mrs. Russell Rumph, Mrs.

George Davis, Mrs. Elmer Kestner, Mrs. Charles Bridgewater and Mrs. George Teipen. Jackson County Christian Singles 7 p.m.

with Johna Kimbrough, 805 Springer Road. For more information on this non-denominational club, call Johna at 522-8833, Duane Melloncamp at 523- 8374 or Carol Foster at 522- 7134. Overeaters Anonymous 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. Friday TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Club 906--1 p.m.

at First Presbyterian Church. Phone 522-8527 for information. Friday Magazine Club 1 p.m: luncheon at Seymour Country Club. Hostesses are Catherine Phillips and Matilda Kessler. New Wine Club p.m.

For location or information, call 522-1959. This organization assists alcoholics or drug addicts. Setting it straight It was Virginia Trimpe not Nancy Bishop representing All Seasons Garden Club in the picture from Seymour Garden Club's backyard luncheon in Friday's Tribune. Berniece McKay in the picture is a member of All Thumbs Garden Club. does not like to use carpet fresheners can sprinkle, baking soda on the carpet.

Wait a while and then vacuum. It makes the carpet and vacuum smell fresh and it saves you a little Mrs. Dorothy Agostinelli COMBO MEAL Dear Heloise: If you're sick of having all those leftovers go dead in the refrigerator, you can solve this problem and give yourself a cooking break by doing what we do: Each Friday we have what we call our "fallout dinner" of anything that's in the refrigerator. I heat all those little tidbits up, some I dress up with a little cheese or some. gravy, put them in my best only" bowls and have a buffet style, serveyourself dinner.

This way, clean my refrigerator and I don't have to cook. Look at all the money I save. Melody 9 1984 King Features Syndicate, Inc. Vicki "Isaacs" Sweeney Democrat For COUNTY TREASURER Pull Lever 19A Vote On May 8 Your Vote Would Be Appreciated Pd. Pol.

Adv. Ann Landers Syndicated advice columnist he go, too. If he is of a different religion insist that he go to his own place of worship. 6. Don't mix sexes.

If your son wants to bring his girlfriend home to live because she is having trouble at home, and they tell you it will be an innocent arrangement, think again. Don't let them con you. 7. Set a curfew and enforce it. 8.

Limit freedom and don't compromise. Your judgment is better than theirs. Hang tough. You'll be glad you did. And so will they.

This rustic two-story log home of homes and barns and Robert and Ethel Thomas, Lake and fireplaces of Brown Forest Club, was built from seven log. Symphony unit home tour is Thomas residence on Symphony unit Two Seymour and three Persons having tickets may cars will not be allowed to go Brownstown area homes will tour the Seymour homes at to the individual homes at be open to the public Sunday their leisure. Brownstown. as part of the 1984 Spring Persons may start the tour Home Tour sponsored by The second starting point is either in Seymour or BrownJackson County Women's the Jackson County Rural stown. Tickets are available Unit of the Indianapolis Sym- Electric parking lot at West from any Symphony unit phony.

Bridge Street in Brown- member or from Jackson The tour has two starting stown. Transportation to the County Pharmacy, Baldpoints. In Seymour tickets at three homes in the Brown- win's Drug Store, each and brochures will be stown area will be provided Coast Store, Cartwright available at Redeemer from this point. Buses will Pharmacy in Crothersville Lutheran Church, corner of part from the parking lot. Be- or Brownstown Drug Store.

Fifth and Walnut streets. cause of traffic congestion, The five homes on the tour Coming week Coming week For listing in Coming Week, call or write Family Living by Thursday preceding the Saturday the notice should run. Include name of group, day, time and location of meeting. Monday Senior Citizen Kitchen Band noon at Seymour Community Center for practice. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Club 1047 6:30 p.m.

at Brownstown Christian Church. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Club 222 6:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. First Baptist Women's Bible Study 7:30 p.m. with Peggy Waltz, 735 W.

Sixth St. First Baptist Men's Bible First Baptist Edna Martin Study 7:30 p.m. with Cyril Circle -9 a.m. with Thelma Story, 433 Lasher Drive. Emily, 310 W.

Eighth St. Alcoholics Anonymous -8 First Baptist Joanna p.m. at First Presbyterian Hodges Circle 1:30 p.m. at Church, Third Street en- the church. trance.

Phone 522-5248 for in- First Baptist Melba McDaformation. niel Circle 7:30 p.m. with Alateen 8 p.m. at First Mitzi Silver, 425 Schleter Presbyterian Church. Phone Cout.

522-1043 for information. First Baptist Sandra Al-Anon 8 p.m. at First Mosher Circle 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian Church, Third with Mary K. Wince, 610 Street entrance.

Phone 522- Third St. 1043 for information. Wednesday Psi Iota Xi 8 p.m. in Alcoholics Anonymous 8 Swope Art Galery, Seymour at First Presbyterian -Public Library. Church, Third Street enTuesday trance.

Phone 522-5248 for inFirst Baptist Bev Mattocks formation. Circle 9 a.m. with Mrs. Thursday Richard Ruddick, Seymour Alcoholics Anonymous 9 R7. a.m.

at First Presbyterian WEEKLY FEATURES Captain's Country Dinner Fresh Cole Slaw Country. Tartar Sauce White Beans Lemon Wedge Fried Okra Southem-Style Hush Puppies Fish Fillets 1 Sealers Country Style $2.99 MONDAY TUESDAY ALL DAY SPECIAL Two 2-Piece Fish Dinners Each dinner includes: 2 golden brown fish fillets 2 hush puppies Fresh Natural-cut cole slaw french fries $3.79 WEDNESDAY 4 TIL CLOSE EAT Country Style Fish Dinner Specially breaded country-style fish cole slaw, southern-style hush fillets, natural -cut french fries, fresh puppies and tartars sauce. $3.29 Offer Good For Dining Room Service Only. Captain D's. a great little seafood place, Dear Ann Landers: Please print one behavior, more letter about giving kids B.B.

guns under the mistaken impression that they are toys. We live in Massapequa, N.Y., not Texas. Several kids in our neighborhood like to shoot small animals with these guns. Our cat had to have nine inches of her intestines removed because of a B.B. shot.

When we give our children guns we promote violence. Steamed In N.Y. Dear N.Y.: I'm with you. Thanks for the reinforcement. Copyright 1984, News Group Chicago Engagements for wedding or engagement pictures.

If pictures are to be used with both the engagement and wedding accounts, the engagement must be announced at least one month before the wedding date. Wedding pictures will be used only if information and picture are received within three weeks of the wedding date. Both engagement and wedding forms are available at the Tribune office. Pictures of either the bride or bridal couple will be used Photo by Campbell Kevin Voss, Tina Durham Durham- Voss Mr. and Mrs.

Jerry Durham, North Vernon R4, announce the engagement of their daughter, Tina Marie, to Kevin Lee Voss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Voss, Columbus. The wedding will be at 6:30 p.m. June 16 in Reddington Christian Church, with a reception in the church parlor.

Miss Durham, a 1980 Jennings County High School graduate; is employed at Jackson County Schneck Memorial Hospital. Mr. Voss graduated from Columbus North High School in 1980 and is employed with Wolohan Home Improvement Center, Columbus. Shower fetes Nancy Burbrink Nancy Burbrink, who will marry Gary Meyer on June 30, 1 was honored at a miscellaneous bridal shower recently at Mr. and Mrs.

LeRoy Pollert's home. Hostesses were Mrs. Pollert, Mrs. Orville Hackman and Mrs. Kenneth Calhoun, all groom's aunts.

Guest tables were centered with crystal candleholders in the chosen bridal colors. Games were played with prizes going to Mrs. Dale Burbrink, bride-elect's mother; Mrs. Steve Bottorff, groom-elect's sister; and Mrs. Omer Hackmam.

The hostesses served a dessert course. Other invited guests were Mrs. Franklin Burbrink, bride-elect's grandmother; Mrs. Don- Meyer, groomelect's mother; Mrs. Jim Ortyn, Edna Hackman, Clara Holtman.

Mrs. Orville Hoene, Mrs. Eugene Hackman, Mrs. Earl Hackman, Mrs. William Hackman, Mrs.

Leon Hackman, Mrs. Hubert Hackman, Mrs. David Hackman, Mrs. David Ratekin, Mrs. Randall Briner.

Mrs. Gerald Hackman, Mrs. Jeff Hackman, Mrs. Mark Hackman, Mrs. Parke Hackman, Mrs.

Steve Hackman, Evelyn Jaynes, Mrs. Keith Stam, Mrs. Brian Thompson, Mrs. Barry Sommers. Mrs.

Richard Frischie, Mrs. Harold Loyd, Mrs. Edward Foster, Mrs. Leon Pollert, Mrs. Don Otte, Luella Hackman, Beth Pollert, Jean Calhoun and Cindy Calhoun.

Acme-ettes add member Acme-ettes Club welcomed new member Carol Henley at its May meeting recently at Ruth Boknecht's home. Members sang the song of the month, "Bicycle Built for Two." The group will have its annual picnic July 9 at Redbrush Park. After the meeting a bake sale was held, games were played and refreshments served. The June meeting will be a carry-in cookout at Lona Gorbett's home..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.