‘Stucky' Fan Art Imagines Captain America & Bucky Barnes On A Date (& 9 Other Amazing Images) (2025)

Feature image artowork done byT_Tb_d andnalonzooo.

While there are many romantic relationships in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that are canon, there are also some fan pairings that are extremely popular, even if they didn’t happen in the movies. Of these fan ships, one of the most popular by far is the one between Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. This couple has a strong fan base, and there are many creative works such as fanfic and fanart about them.

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Fan artists have re-imagined these characters in many different situations, places, and time periods, and they also often draw from the canon of the movies but imagine these two as a couple instead of just friends. Here are some excellent works of Stucky fanart by a wide range of artists.

Chibi Cuties

While there are many fan works that show Steve and Bucky in a more realistic art style, there are also many pieces that are more cartoonish or chibi in form.

This adorable piece shows Bucky cleaning up Steve’s Captain America shieldand adding a little shine to it. This is a great example of a rather fluffy piece of art that is often popular with many people in fandom.

AMoment of Peace


One common theme for fans of the Steve/Bucky ship is giving these two moments of peace where they can just be happy together. Even if you don’t see them romantically, these two are often kept apart in the movies and never given much chance to rest away from war and lighting.

So, it’s not a surprise that fans want to give them this in fan works. This endearing piece shows Steve and Bucky in Wakanda with Steve telling Bucky how beautiful he is.

ASoft Epilogue

While Steve and Peggy might end up together at the end of Avengers: Endgame, some fans would much rather Steve ended up with Bucky instead.

Given that Bucky was such a huge part of Steve’s story in the MCU, it’s not that out there. Many fan artists, such as the talented artist here, have imagined what a wedding between these two men might look like. It’s a very elegant and stunning piece.

Skater Boy Meets Jock

While a lot of Stucky fan artists make works that aren’t that different from what happens in the movies, others take a different approach. There are many works that place Steve and Bucky in alternate universes of all kinds.

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This piece of art imagines Bucky as an alternative emo individual, probably based on his Winter Soldier design, and Steve as a preppy joke. The two might look like polar opposites, but they make it work as boyfriends anyway.

The Life of Bucky Barnes

Fans of Steve and Bucky who look for fan art about the two of them will probably recognize this artwork as it's part of a very popular series known as The Life of Bucky Barnes.

This Instagram page follows Bucky’s life as he dates and eventually marries Steve, and other MCU characters also show up as friends in the series. In this cute picture, Steve and Bucky are cuddling outside of their brownstone after a shoppingdate to IKEA.

Snuggles In The Grass

This is another example of an artist wanting to give Steve and Bucky a chance to actually get to relax and enjoy their lives, but this is in a slightly different, more Anime-inspired style.

Here, the two men are enjoying a romantic moment together in the grass as nighttime begins and fireflies light up the sky. It’s a very beautiful peace that invokes a lot of emotions with its use of blue and green color shades.

Under the Mistletoe

While some fan art focuses more on drama or angst, other pieces are what is referred to in fandom as “fluff” In the fluff category, there are many common tropes, and showing ships around different holidays is quite popular.

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This artwork shows Steve and Bucky sharing a sweet kiss under the mistletoe next to the Christmas tree as Steve picks up Bucky in his arms. Christmas works are definitely common, but so are many other holidays such as Halloween and New Years'.

Happy Pride

Given that there is still a sad lack of LGBTQ+ representation in the MCU, it’s not surprising that many fan artists and fanfic writers want to reflect their own lives in their works.

There are many pieces of art that show Stucky going to pride and celebrating who they are and their identities. This piece shows Steve and Bucky hugging while waving a small pride flag.

Til the End of the Line

There are actually many rather heartbreaking as well as endearing moments between Steve and Bucky in the MCU. In fact, the line “I’m with you till the end of the line” is definitely a promise of sorts between these two men that can be viewed as more romantic by some. It's equal measures beautiful and tragic, because of what the pair has had to endure.

This artwork shows Steve and Bucky in the World War II-era before Steve got the serum. It features this iconic line but presents it as more of a declaration of love.

Just Bros Being Bros

While some popular pieces of Steve/Bucky fanart feature common tropes in fandom or are set in alternate universes, others are just beautiful pieces that show these two sharing moments of physical intimacy.

This artwork is done in a detailed but artistic graphic style, and it’s simply just Steve and Bucky sharing a sweet kiss.

NEXT:MCU: 10 Polyamorous Fan Fiction Ships We Wish Were Real

‘Stucky' Fan Art Imagines Captain America & Bucky Barnes On A Date (& 9 Other Amazing Images) (2025)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.